Thursday 23 August 2012

To Save VAL Lanjigarh Refinery

1 comment:

  1. It is often said that, Odisha has everything under the sky and lots under the earth, an obvious reference to its mineral reserve. Odisha is rich in mineral ores like bauxite, chrome, iron-ore, coal and manganese. Due to presence of such precious mineral ores, it is considered as a dream destination for industries but in reality, it is not the case. Till date, we are unable to utilize even 1/4th of our total mineral resources. In the other hand, states like Chattisgarh and Jharkhand, have used their mineral resources very effectively, and the result is evident to us. It is often seen that most of our mineral reserves, are present in economical backward areas like KBK districts (Western part of Odisha), with the promotion of industries in these areas, we can not only improve the quality of life but also help them to build a better future. Industrialization in Odisha will also help us to put an end to a social evil called “BRAIN DRAIN”, in odisha there are total 107 Nos of Engineering colleges, 16 universities and 40 Science colleges. In absence of industries every year, thousands and thousands of graduates from these institutions move to different states for better job opportunities . As a result of which every year we lose a pool of talented manpower. It is high time now, that we should come above all our differences –Social, Political or whatever it may be and join our hands to promote industialization for development of our state and country as a whole
